My Lockdown Experience


Oft on peeking out from the window of my room

My eyes behold a bougainvillea in full bloom.

Not for it - the gloomy shades of lockdown

It’s blissfully free to grow- either upward or down.


It’s summer. Time for it to do magic and reach out

Heavenwards ho! I witness the new leaves sprout.

It sways and hums as the winged visitors chirp by

Pecking at its pollens , stealing nectar on the sly .


Still it looks cheerful, complete and content

Unlike me, who’s staying put without intent.

Gone are the joys of mingling with friends

Running around, chatting, following new trends.


No more darting, catching the favourite yellow bus

It’s aeons that I rustled up such morning fuss.

Now teachers n’ mates visit my home every day

The screen lights up and ‘Teams’ go super gay.


Slowly and steadily as I adjust to this new normal 

Forget not, every lesson has a learning and moral

Nature, the mighty healer,  is up and healing

Cleansing itself of all the vices that sent us reeling


Now we are in and inward by force or choice

Still , humanity learn the lesson and rejoice.

To be forgiving and bountiful has been her nature

 Can we be more humane for a blessed future?



Many More Shades of Red….on Yellow


Importance & Integrity of Journalism