Why Eucharist?


“It seems to me fit and proper that (gifts of god) should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged with one heart, with one voice by the whole American people……I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens to observe the last Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving”

America was in the midst of a harsh Civil War, when President Lincoln issued this proclamation. Why did he do so? A wise man, he realized that despite the destruction caused by the Civil War, there was still a lot to be thankful for. He also knew that all the wounds can be healed by ‘Gratitude’.

No wonder, gratitude is the common theme in all the religions of the World. In fact, ‘gratitude’ and ‘grace’ share the common origin – the Latin word ‘gratus’ which means ‘thankful’.

In Bible, the disciple Paul instructs – “In everything give thanks”. So the Christian service of ‘Eucharist’ (Greek word meaning ‘gratefulness’) does just that at every mass.

In Islam, ‘Al-hamdulillah’ is central to the text of Quran and Hadith.

In Hinduism, the concept of ‘Kripa’ underlines the in-built gratitude in whatever we receive on this earth.

In Buddhism, ‘Giving’ (Dana) goes hand in hand with gratitude as it brings in humility. Even the profoundest philosophers, since ancient times, have been proclaiming about the transforming and almost magical power of Gratitude.

We all have heard of Aesop’s fable – Androcles and the Lion. In this story, Androcles (an escaped slave) comes across a lion in the forest. The lion seems to be in extreme pain because of the thorn stuck in his paw. Androcles removes it for him. Later both are captured. Androcles punishment is to be “thrown to the lion”. But when it is done, the hungry lion instead of eating Androcles, starts licking him. Everyone, including the emperor, is surprised. On learning that the lion is doing so out of gratitude to Androcles, they both are set free.

What a sterling example of Gratitude!

Cicero rightly said – Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but actually the parent of all others. If we look around, we find that, gratitude is indeed like oil to the machinery of every relationship. It is ‘the’ foundation of a healthy, close-knit family. Our everyday plain friendships turn in to special lifelong friendships when we see gratitude shining through them. In fact, the world would be a much better place if hearts full of gratitude rule this world. On our parts, we can do our bit……open ourselves to gratefulness, and wait for the magic to happen!!


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