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This is a journal of my thoughts and experiences. Join me on my meanderings.

Building Bridges
Opinion, Business, CSR Tuvimanyu Gautam Opinion, Business, CSR Tuvimanyu Gautam

Building Bridges

The advent of corporate social responsibility has been around for some decades now and it has evolved from being simply an act of charity, to a well- thought of philanthropy, to a commitment which an organisation undertakes to enhance the social well-being…

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Poetry, Opinion Tuvimanyu Gautam Poetry, Opinion Tuvimanyu Gautam



I wonder what is with them

That nudges my Self to expand.

Is it the very act of preparing

To bask in the collective joy,

that hastens my pulse.

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    To be or to not to be                                      -A refugee’s dilemma
Opinion, Refugee Tuvimanyu Gautam Opinion, Refugee Tuvimanyu Gautam

To be or to not to be -A refugee’s dilemma

Leaving one’s home is never an easy choice. In fact, for more than 80 million refugees it was not even a choice. When their countries of origin became the centrer stage of violence, conflicts, wars, political unrests , economic meltdowns and environmental calamities, they had no option but to move away…

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Opinion, Symbols, Musings Tuvimanyu Gautam Opinion, Symbols, Musings Tuvimanyu Gautam


The term ‘symbology’ seems to have gained popularity in 21st century lexicon with the release of Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (2003) , and has continued to stoke interest ever since, despite the vehement pronouncements by pundits that ‘semiotics’ , and not symbology was the correct term for the study of symbols.

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Why Eucharist?
Opinion, Spirituality, Culture Tuvimanyu Gautam Opinion, Spirituality, Culture Tuvimanyu Gautam

Why Eucharist?

“It seems to me fit and proper that (gifts of god) should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged with one heart, with one voice by the whole American people……I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens to observe the last Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving”

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